Resident Concerns

During my campaign, I listened to concerns from residents living in various parts of the city. The issues are wide ranging. These are issues that as your Council member I want to keep in front of me, as they are important to residents of Garden City. Some of these issues are purview of the City Council and some are not. Regardless they are all important to residents.


  • Managing rapid growth and its impact on traffic and city services. High density and its impact on traffic is worrisome. The State and ACHD manage roadways and the city needs to work with these agencies on these concerns. Residents also want more sidewalks.
  • Plans for the future of the Fairgrounds currently owned by Ada County. Wise mixed-use development with significant open space is desired if that property is developed. Open space in general is a desired approach to development. Develop the site so it’s unique and fits the culture of the city.
  • Development of the proposed 18 story condo development off Veterans Parkway. Most residents I spoke to are not in favor of a building of this height. Residents want neighborhood friendly development. This proposed development (at 18 stories) has since been vacated by the City Council.
  • Updating of city code & zoning to address issues like the height of development projects and lack of parking. The parking issue is of particular concern for residents in the Water District. Some want more or controlled parking (resident permits) and others would like to limit parking as it uses space that could be used for other amenities.
  • Cost of adding infrastructure improvements makes it hard for small or first time developers to start a project so same larger developers do all the development. Can these infrastructure improvements be paid through by ACHD impact fees?
  • Speeds through neighborhoods are a big concern. Speeds on Adams, through Riverside Village and Marigold (to name a few) are a big concern. Need to look at options to slow traffic down. With growth also comes vehicles cutting through neighborhoods to avoid lights.
  • Availability of affordable housing and reducing the displacement of residents due to new development. Some residents would like the mobile home parks developed from an aesthetic perspective but how can we do that without outright displacing these residents? A tough problem to solve.
  • Development, both pro and con, of the island off River Club Golf Course for new golf holes. The River Club has since abandoned its plans to try to add golf holes on the island.
  • Plans for the River Club Golf Course. Preserving the land as a golf course.
  • Flood mitigation and development in the flood plain. Review of flood mapping and its affect on FEMA rates
  • How to make Chinden Blvd more attractive and beautifying Garden City in general (i.e. planter boxes along major roads).
  • Blend Garden City so development projects are not al centered in certain areas of town (i.e. Apartments in every area of town)
  • Status of the old trailer park next to U-Haul.

Council Operations

  • Independence of the council – each council member runs on their own merit, thinks and votes independently.
  • Understanding why decisions are made by the council. Improve communication by the council on decisions.
  • Continued fiscal responsibility of the city budget.
  • TDS fiber install. Not a city issue but enough already!

City Services

  • Support for the Garden City Police and ensuring the Police are not refocused or defunded. On the flip side, the Police are a significant portion of the city budget so ensuring policing funding reflects need and explaining the budget to residents.
  • Code enforcement of properties that are not maintained. Establishment of a noise ordinance. Parking is a major concern, especially in the 36th street area.
  • Infrastructure can support development.
  • Speed of the planning and zoning department and approval of projects. City should have faster response times.
  • Climate change issues – water conservation, city lowering its carbon footprint, composting in Garden City. More than 1 leaf pick up date during the fall
  • The city’s relationship with the Humane Society, particularly around feral cats.
  • Sewer line with Boise along Greenbelt in water district can smell and may need reengineering


  • Maintenance and safety of the Greenbelt. There is a safety concern, particularly from older residents, about speeds, pets off leash, increased number of electric bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  Maintenance concerns include root damage to pathways and branches and debris not being cleaned up. Overgrown in areas. Snow & ice removed in winter for year round use.
  • Residents on the southside of the river expressed frustration on the way the natural path/bike path decision was made by the city council.
  • Homeless camps that pop up on Greenbelt
  • Place more garbage vans on Greenbelt for pet waste
  • Greenbelt plan – 3, 5 10 year plan